RUGBY JERSEY-Jersey Collection1~32

I excerpted an article of the jersey collection carried up to now and made a list this time. It was this article that readers had the interest relatively by the message that I received from them in the past. There are more than 30 jerseys I can’t finish introducing yet, but while this plan continues, in sequence, I’d like to introduce.

I got a ticket for pep rallu game of rugby Japan national team, so next week I will go to EKOPA Stadium in Shizuoka again.


ジャージ コレクション1:ニュージーランド オールブラックス


  • 製造メーカー:カンタベリー
  • 備考:第1回RWCを制覇して、日本に来日した直後に販売されたので、ヒット商品。たぶん日本で販売されたラグビージャージの中では一番売れたのではないでしょうか。
  • 入手方法~発売時の価格は、記憶では1万円を少し割るくらい。




ジャージ コレクション2:オーストラリア代表(ワラビーズ)


  • 製造メーカー:カンタベリー
  • 備考:第2回RWCを制覇したのは、ワラビーズ(オーストラリア)。




  • 入手方法~まだヤフオク等で、時々見かけます。さすがに未使用の新古品は、年間1回くらいしか見つからないですが。


ジャージ コレクション3:アイルランド 

半袖 真ん中に、スポンサーマークが入っているので、W杯仕様の ジャージでは、 ありません。ヤフオクで新品で、2,500円程度でゲット。    

ジャージ コレクション4:(スコットランド)


ジャージ コレクション5(サモア):


ジャージ コレクション5⓶:ニュージーランド試合着。


ジャージ コレクション6:南アフリカ


ジャージ コレクション7:カナダ


ジャージ コレクション8:RWC2015 イングランド大会記念ジャージ。WEBB ERRIS CUP製品。3,900円。新品で購入。現地で勢いで買っちゃうと、軽く10,000円をこえてしまうので、やはり、事後で購入するのが、コレクターにはbetter.

ジャージコレクション 9:アルゼンチン。

この国のジャージ(私の求める襟付き、長袖)が、なかなか手に入らない。ヤフオクで苦節3年、ようやく手に入りました。なぜか、「アメリカ ラグビー」で検索したら出てきました。しかも、800円。古着屋の人は、この価値わからないみたい。個人的には、当時、30,000円出しても欲しいと思っていました。

ジャージコレクション 10:ウェールズ。


ジャージコレクション 11 イングランド

このジャージは、記録を調べてみたところ、1995年第3回W杯のもの。COTTON TRADERS社製品。1991年の第2回W杯時にほぼ同様のデザインのジャージを新品で購入、当時は、確か1万円を割っていたと記憶。その後、引っ越しの際に手放しました。そして、2年前にヤフオクでこのジャージ(中古)を発見。懐かしかったですね。「イングランド ジャージ」とは言わずに、「ラグビー W杯 ジャージ」で出品されていました。当初は、2,900円で出品されていましたが、買い手が誰もつかず、チエックをつけていた私に、次々に値下げの連絡が、最後には、1,000円を割ったので、購入しました。なぜか、イングランド製品は、中古相場は安いです。おそらく、色が白だから、経年劣化が目立つからだと思います。(あと、この年代のイングランドのジャージが新古品で出回っているのを、見たことがない。ウエールズは、なぜか出回っているけど。)



ジャージコレクション13(フランス その2)

推定1980年代のフランス代表ジャージの復刻版。adidasのマークが、三つ葉トレフォイルではなくて、現行のマークに替わっています。このジャージは、sample として製作されたもので、数はあまり出回らなかった希少品です。ヤフオクで、5,900円で即決で入手しました。デザインが、万人受けするようで、これを着て試合観戦に行くと、欲しがられるか、かっこいいと(ジャージが)褒められます。

ジャージコレクション14(フランス その3)


ジャージコレクション15(フランス その4)


ジャージ コレクション16(アルゼンチン トラック・ジャケット~HAND OF GOD)

メルカリで購入したジャージ(6,900円)。通称「神の手」ジャージ。86年メキシコW杯の「アルゼンチン対イングランド」戦の神の手ゴールを記念してつくられたadidas originals のジャージです。マラドーナが亡くなってからは、関連のジャージが高騰しました。大体、売り手は2倍くらいの値段で吹っ掛けてきます。まあ、ブームは一過性のものと思うので、半年くらいしたら、価格も落ち着くのではないでしょうか。

ジャージ コレクション17

(アルゼンチン トラック・ジャケット その2)


ジャージ コレクション18




これをみてもわかるように、日本のMr.ラグビー 平尾誠二選手のW杯ジャージでさえも、日本では10万円程度の値段しかつかないです。



若干、文字が薄くなっておりますが、Tony Underwoodと読み取れます。対戦相手の選手がサインしたものですね。

おお、Tony Underwood。もちろん私も知っています。1995年のRWCイングランド代表として、ラグビーワールドカップに出場しました。兄のRorry Underwood とともに、兄弟でイングランド代表チームのウイングとして活躍した快速選手です。

このサインを足掛かりに、このジャージがどの試合でおこなわれたのかを調べてみました。Tony Underwoodは、1992年から1998年までにイングランド代表として活躍しています。

このジャージに、ワールドカップのマークは刺繍されていませんので、ワールドカップ以外での対戦に絞られます。そして、最近私がよく利用する海外オークションサイト e-BAYにイングランド vs ルーマニアで検索をかけたら、プログラムが出てきました。



そして、対面のイングランドの14番(右ウイング)は、スタメンの表で確認すると、Tony Underwood。


ジャージ コレクション 19 ウェールズ代表ジャージ。ヤフオクで、5,000円で入手。新古品。COTTON TRADERS製品。

ジャージ コレクション 20

フランス代表トラックジャケット。2015年ころに発売。発売当初は、上着だけなのに20,000円もして、購入を躊躇したのを覚えています。でも個人的にはメチャクチャかっこいいと思っていたので、そのうちと思っていたら、SOLD OUT。昨年、e-BAYで、6,000円プラス送料4,000円で入手。新古品。ADIDAS製品。

ジャージコレクション 21 「5か国対抗ラグビー」記念ジャージ。

現在は、6 NATIONS RUGBY ですが、80年代はイタリアを除くフランス、スコットランド、ウエールズ、アイルランド、イングランドの5か国で優勝を争っていました。その記念ジャージです。ヤフオクで、2,980円にて購入しました。

ジャージ コレクション 22:RWC 2011でフランス代表チームが着ていたWarm Up Jacket。メルカリで、3,980円にて新古品で購入しました。袖口、襟口がトリコロールカラーになっているのが、なんともいえずかっこいい。

ジャージ コレクション 23

本日の試合会場で、クボタのテントの人が配っていたサポーター用ベースボール シャツ。2,000円の自由席のチケットで入場したのにこんなのもらっちゃって良いのでしょうか?せめて、私のBlogで紹介させていただきます。

ジャージ コレクション 24

本1987年の第1回 RWCの時代のフランス代表ユニフォーム(Serge Blancoの時代)。メルカリで、6,900円で入手。ところどころ毛羽立ち等あり、年季を感じますが、30年以上前のジャージなので、私は風格を感じます。前も言ったような気がいたしますが、日本だとvintageもののジャージは、評価は低いですが、海外のオークションサイトだと、10倍くらいします。同じものを日本で見つけたら、価格は(待てば)下がってきます。誰も、買わないので。

Jersey collection 25

The 1st time of 1987 Second jersey of a French representative uniform in the time of RWC. Dirt is conspicuous white jersey, but the preservation state is also good. There are almost no cases that this second jersey was judged from auctions. I bought it at 7980 yen by Mercari, inc. If it’s 1st JERSEY personally, Blanco is imagined, but if it’s 2nd, Philip Sera is remembered.

Jersey collection 26

Jersey of the world selection team (club) Barbarians. It’s new in YAFUOKU and it’s bought at 5900 yen. Though it was new, it was inexpensive, so it has been bought unconsciously. The small by which the size is international size. I don’t find out that the one as the size won’t be tried on by slyboots, this jersey was no problem.

Jersey collection 27 (French  Its 7).

Second Jersey of a French representative of 2011RWC. NIKE product. Then, in this abdomen, a line, many bottles, dispatch the design seems to have been paid much attention. I get dead stock for 4900 yen in Yahoo Auction.

Jersey collection 28

Unusual Tongan representative jersey. BUKTA (United Kingdom) product. I get it for 800 yen by Merukari. The design from which it wasn’t learned that a mark of a chest was a Tongan one for the previous owner. Because (Though it’s valuable actually.) a jersey in a minor country doesn’t make a high price in Japan most. I saw this manufacturer for the first time, too.

Jersey Collection 29

Fijian representative jersey. Manufacturer obscurity. I presume from a World Cup mark of a chest and estimate at a replica after 1991. I get it for 2500 yen by Meru potash. The Fijian representative who left with a vivid impression in the 1st time RWC in 1987. The first half overwhelmed Europe champion France by a 1st game of final tournament. It had been changed to FW competition and reversed in the second half, but they showed us Fijian Magic.

Jersey collection  30

Canterbury university rugby jersey. SUZUKI product. Yahoo!  It’s bought at 2000 yen by an auction. SUZUKI is mainly dealing with a uniform of a rugby club of Japan and an overseas university.

Jersey Collection 31

Canterbury university rugby Jacket. SUZUKI product. I bought at 2980 yen by Merucari. It was put by the Canterbury university rugby jersey introduced last week and a simultaneous period on sale, so I don’t waver and buy it. Because such rare jersey is rarely put on sale by a set.

Jersey Collection 32:Sun Wolves 2019-2020 Uniform

Canterbury product. Newness is bought at 4,980 yen by Merucari. The fixed price was about 10,000 yen when started to sell. This jersey commemorates Sun Wolves last season. It isn’t tight fit-type, so it’s also easy to put on as everyday clothes. Personally, I like it most in designing way among Sun Wolves uniforms of successive generations.


(Written by Azul/ May 9th, 2021)

A quarterfinal of Top League Final Play-off Tournament was performed in the weekend, this week (5/8、9).

As a result of 2 games of quarterfinal performed yesterday:

1:TOYOTA Verblitz VS NTT Docomo Red Hurricanes

In 33-29, winner Verblitz

Competition criticism: It was a big close game as expected. Whichever won the reverse continuation, the final stage was the situation which isn’t strange. The feeling that Verblitz came through the end somehow. Personally, it’s deserted that a game of Red Hurricanes which livened this season’s Top League most is last glimpse.

2:CANON Eagles VS Panasonic Wildnights

In 32-17, winner Wildnights

Competition criticism:

Proper win of Wildnights. Eagles was different from a last confrontation and avoided a shutout loss, but it wasn’t possible to destroy firm defence of Wildnights. The biggest interesting place in the game is the dash he has finished running to which through 80m in WTB Fukuoka in Wildnights in the second half for 17 minutes. Tamura of number 10 of Japanese representative who stood as defence on the way and Mafi of Japanese representative likewise, he finished dodging, and, all audience wondered at a try. It would be a shame that he retires at 28 years old .

3:SUNTORY Sangorias VS RICOH Black Rams

Players of Black Rams infected new-style Corona in large numbers, so a game is renounced. Semifinal advance decision was given to Sangorias.

And today and the last 1 game.

Sunday, May 9  JAPAN RUGBY TOP LEAGUE Playoff: Quarter final

Long way was doing a quarterfinal and the last 1 game in watch to Fukuroi-shi, Shizuoka all the way. (One way 238km)

The nearest station is Aino station. Using the Shinkansen, one way, it takes about 2 hours.

I have that with 15 minutes on foot from the station by a guide, but it’s 15 minutes to the fullest by a trot, isn’t it? A stadium is on the mountain, so way is uphill earnestly. It was 28 times of highest temperature today, so I have become all of a sweat.

It’s seen, this uphill. But this town holds the facilities where it requires such large cost of maintenance, and a person isn’t walking so much, is finance in the city all right? Though a ECOPA stadium was made before soccer World Cup in 2002 when saying so, they aren’t playing games so much, right? The closest one is a team of J League in Shizuoka-ken, but the snugger place is made a home stadium respectively. I’m slightly worried about operation further down.

It was so and when I was walking, an exclusive parking lot was being seen.

This is also the different meaning and why does it feel like? Though (Audience restriction by Corona.) only 5,000 people come to today’s game at the stadium more than 40,000 people can be accommodated in ECOPA, a parking lot is full. You didn’t have to come by a car. Also when I said, 3 trains in Aino station in the nearest station were organization. This is also proof of the case that a person has not usually come to ECOPA so much, isn’t it?

And a ECOPA stadium was being seen finally.

It’s the biggest in the stadium to which I have gone out this season. It’s the stadium of “impact in Shizuoka” where Japan team won in strong contestant Ireland team for 2019 years in RWC between the rugby fan. It seems that Rugby Football Union would like to make here a sacred place of new rugby.

They seem to hold a game of “Japanese representative team VS Sun Wolves” on June 12 and. But only 5,000 people have to settle the degree by the restriction of new-style Corona. Audience game or cancellation-lessness is also possible.

I have worried variously, but I’d like to enjoy a game.

Even if I enter the inside, it’s a large stadium (Naturally?)

Then easy introduction of each team.

** KOBELCO Steelers

Japanese championship, the “absolute champion” who has achieved 7 straight victories. When winning the victory 2 years ago, every game was an overwhelming victory. More than 10 representative persons with experience of each country are gathered, too. The power isn’t shown not completely satisfactory this season more than results in the past. I was undefeated just in case, but there were quite much narrow victories in the league series.

Then, next.

** KUBOTA Spears

Without victory experience. But it’s the new team which has started to rip into dominance per last year. They had 2 losses in this season’s league series, and it was the 3rd, but it was a close game to the end verge. There are also 7 representative persons with experience of each country with Marcolm Marx of the world best hooker at the head a belonging player. Even if a victory is contested, it isn’t strange.

And when I counted the number of the cameraman who occupied the two goal back before a game, they were 7 north sides and 12 south sides. In other words, the press thought KOBELCO Steelers prevailed.

And in 12:45, Kicked Off.

When a game started, the offensive of KUBOTA was different from usual. It was widening excessively. I was not taking on. Was this a Steelers measure? If I thought so, SH wasn’t Inoue of an usual starting member. Taniguchi player? When I checked a member table, he seemed to be the 3rd substitute player.

This fitted in as a free result. While 10 minutes had not also passed, they got 2 trys, 2Gs and 1PG, 17-0. A conspicuous one was the attack with which number 11 of KUBOTA lengthwise attack from an opposite direction, and KOBELCO permitted substantial gain more than 3 times (he tried for once of inside) is it a one-sided game for a KOBELCO ?

But Barnard Foley in SO in KUBOTA had a foul tackle after this in the first half for 29 minutes, blowed exiting. (Though a partner had crashed into the place Foley had left, why was it?)

Unfortunately, KUBOTA stayed in having to fight 50 minutes, in a state 1 person was few, and it was. KOBELCO got a try and a goal on the first half end eve, and it was the first half turn in 17-7. KUBOTA may be defeated by KOBELCO.

But it was slow that the engine starts in this season’s KOBELCO. Even the condition second half for a little past 20 minutes when numerical predominance couldn’t be utilized was deadlocked. That a counterattack had started gradually, after Ataata entered as CTB.

It wasn’t a lengthwise attack using numerical predominance, it widened, and, if it had changed to an attack, they broke a defense network readily with the second half for 23 minutes and 30 minutes, tried continuously and reversed at last by goal success.

20-21. To be honest, it was the atmosphere as the win of KOBELCO just as it was.

But KUBOTA hold on here and without giving the additional score, KOBELCO had a foul. There were too much fouls in today’s KOBELCO. It had completely defeated mostly in the ball scramble around the rack in particular. Is this an outcome of guidance of MARX in KUBOTA?

Van Den Heever in WTB succeeded PG by this foul, and KUBOTA reversed on end eve. 23-21.

It was TOYOTA competition of league competition final race that this scene was seen and remembered, and that he failed a goal and did a reverse try in TOYOTA immediately after. It’s important to finish a partner off by a game as expected.

KUBOTA protected the score for the last 3 minutes, and, ball keeping. It was a no side just as it is. The stop of consecutive victories which is KOBELCO at last.

Top League Semi-Final which will be next week by this?

  1. SUNTORY Sungolias VS KUBOTA Spears
  2. TOYOTA Verblitz VS Panasonic Wildnights

However, next week’s game has been infection regulation of new-style Corona and has been a game audience-lessly. An emergency declaration was extended by Osaka and Tokyo until the end of the month, so the final game scheduled by 5/23 may be also a game audience-lessly.

Jersey Collection 29

Fijian representative jersey. Manufacturer obscurity. I presume from a World Cup mark of a chest and estimate at a replica after 1991. I get it for 2500 yen by Meru potash. The Fijian representative who left with a vivid impression in the 1st time RWC in 1987. The first half overwhelmed Europe champion France by a 1st game of final tournament. It had been changed to FW competition and reversed in the second half, but they showed us Fijian Magic.

RUGBY JERSEY~Top League Final Play-off Tournament

(written by Azul/ April 25, 2021)

** News of attention **

For the British-Irish Lions match in this coming June, 2021 year rugby Japanese representative for a competition selection member was announced. There are no time to do all the members’ brief review and space, but I make only one person take up.

Gerahard Van Den Heever-from South Africa. 192cm and 102kg. 32 years old. A player which possesses all elements  necessary for modern Wing player who can run through 100m by a stand for 10 seconds though he is a giant beyond 190cm. He makes up with WTB, CTB and FB as a utility player.

He has served as a starting member in the whole competition in Sun wolves, 2018-2019. When saying real feelings, I wanted him to appear as a Japanese classified weapon of RWC 2019. Heaven was also giving him 2 things and 3 things in handsome a face, but he was only slightly unlucky. But please play an active part now. It’s expected.

On Sunday, April 25~ JAPAN RUGBYRUGBY TOP LEAGUE Playoff.

** Introduction of both teams **

TOYOTA Verblitz : It passes 2nd place of 2021 White Conference. Favorite’s one corner. The veteran brave team with whom 8 times are also spangled in Japanese best.

Main player:

Kieran Read : common captain. No.8. New Zealand 127 caps of representative.

Michael Hooper: FL. Australia 105 caps of representative.

Kaito Shigeno:  Common captain. SH. 10 caps of Japanese representative.

HINO Red Dolphins: It passes 7th place of 2021 Red Conference. Entry into the Top League since 2018.

Main player:

Augustine Pulu: Common captain SH. New Zealand 2 caps of representative.

Liaki Moli: LO. 2021 Japanese representative candidate.

Yuichi Kudomi: Prop. 21 caps of Japanese representative.

** Expectation before kick off **

When this season’s results are considered, predominance of TOYOTA doesn’t move. Further, as far as the former game is watched, HINO is slow starter, so since putting it in tournament, it’s necessary to change game plan and meet.

Then I’ll see about today’s game.

Today’s meeting place is also Chichibunomiya rugby playground. It’s for a short while later than usual, 14:30 Kick Off. For spread restraint of new-style Corona, an emergency declaration was taken out by Tokyo-to from today. All tickets were sold out, but since making it 2nd game of tournament, an audience is a little.

Then kick off.

If they lose this game, it’s the end this season, so I have them exert itself in HINO and wants them to make a game become heated.

If I was thinking so and am seeing, HINO had mentioned a try by starting for 4 minutes. They ran, from the beginning, engine opening.

But a struggle of HINO was also until the first half for 15 minutes. After that by the score TOYOTA piled up 3 tries by the first half end, and which was 21-10 at the time of the first half end, turned.

They were fighting equally by a set play, so FW in HINO did n’t seem to be ruling a game. There was also no mistake firing like time of Black Rams competition for today’s game BK. When HINO scores a point, they become a little more fascinating to a game.

Even though Cronje in SO in TOYOTA was using the kick offensive to the enemy back for today’s game. When the offensive of several games of HINO had been seen, defense of back three had been rough there, so he’d checked that beforehand, right?

However, today’s HINO didn’t make a mistake at all. I accepted that defense became so good in about only 1 week, and there was a stickiness in Hino’s defense. A continuous attack was also done. From when would they had come to play so earnest rugby?

The continuous try by which they were the second half, 19 minutes and 23 minutes that earnest of this HINO was realized. The try of Kawai(FB) at 23 minutes of second half  was in particular highlights of this game. When shaking 3 people of defense in TOYOTA off by a step and getting a try by oneself, I have shuddered unconsciously.

Because it’s Corona, audiences weren’t supposed to shout and support, so audiences clapped, this offensive of all the members of HINO was too wonderful, so the whole stadium presented clapping to HINO. (Oh was seized with the sense to say that a fan of HINO spoiled so much.)

HINO approached 4 difference in points by (remaining time for 13 minutes) as of this.

I thought “Even if HINO excelled, it wasn’t strange. They might be able to win.” However, a continuous try could be decided in TOYOTA after this, and it had been thrust away. It’s left and the cooperation mistake which wasn’t shown up to that in 13 minutes had gone out. HINO also had shown the pride in the end and had returned 1 try, as a result of the as expected when the last score was next to 49-29 and the prewar days, if, it was.

However, a struggle of HINO which showed it in the second half middle was play of which supporter may think very highly.

Such play thought it’s a little regrettable in fans of HINO increasing more always to form. You’ll aim at a victory next year.

(Sales tent of supporter goods of HINO)

Jersey collection 27 (French  Its 7).

Second Jersey of a French representative of 2011RWC. NIKE product. Then, in this abdomen, a line, many bottles, dispatch the design seems to have been paid much attention. I get dead stock for 4900 yen in Yahoo Auction.

RUGBY JERSEY~Top League Final Play-off Tournament

(written by Azul/April 18,2021)

The top league is rushed into a tournament competition than 4/27. There is a period in more than 1 month until a final game of 5/23, but so a discounted team is the off season from here.

Please choose as a Japanese representative, a player wants even game of place by the appeal. The game with the thick density is expected.

** View of a tournament **

When something as Giant Killing is the rugby for which it’s difficult to occur, but a victory will view which team it is.

  • 1) KOBE Steelers : The team for which the name as the champion is suitable

   SUNTORY Sangolias : The world most valuable player Beauden Barrett also joins, overwhelming victory of league series.

   Panasonic Wildnights : The RWC selected player is enrolled a lot.

   These 3 teams are front-running.

  • 2)  The team which presses this a little more than 3 are as follows.

     KUBOTA Spears: Even 1 step more of SUNTORY was run down. They aim at the first-time victory.

     TOYOTA Verblitz : A player layer is too thick. Even a representative captain goes around to wait.

  • 3)  The teams which keeps a reverse possibility are as follows:

     NTT DOCOMO Red Hurricanes: Eye of this season’s typhoon. You can’t take your eyes off any games.

     TOSHIBA Bravelupas : The strength of Physical is No.1. Calmness is desired but to win.

** Then today’s game **

Sunday, April 18 TOP LEAGUE Final Play-off Tournament The 1st clause


The 1st clause of Top League Tournament will be a confrontation with 4 teams of Top League (Dominance league) subordinate and 4 teams of Top Challenge League (Lower rank league)Dominance team.

2 games of yesterday is digested already. The results are as follows:

  1. Toyota Shuttles VS NEC Green Rockets: 24-25 (winner =NEC)
  2. Coca-cola Red Sparks VS Mitsubishi Dynaboars: 24-17 (winner =Mitsubishi)

The victory which is Top League momentum properly when only a result is seen. But the contents were quite close victory. There is almost no ability difference.

A meeting place is Chichibunomiya rugby playground. It’s the 3rd time of watch this season in this field. For 12:00Kick Off, I arrived at 11:15 at Sendagaya station.

In 15 minutes on foot, stadium arrival. I enterd by a system as mask wear, hand finger alcohol sterilization and taking the temperature by a new-style Corona measure. For audience’s crowd state avoidance, it’s seating every one person. Still when it’s full, about 10,000 people put it in, but it’s entering of about 50 % = about 5000 people.

Even though the ideal watch weather. Comfortable.

I had not also watched a game of these both teams on television this season, so I saw the one recorded on the previous day and prepared. The first half can hold on by a dominance strong contestant team in Sanixblues, too. But the second half is too deformed.

Liners was compared, and saw an order play-off of Top Challenge League, but there are too much slightly small mistakes (Handling Error, Off Side). If I was Top League partner if it was this, it was the impression to which I say whether it was painful.

** Profile of both teams besides that.

* MUNAKATA Sanixblues: Top League

 The only entry into the war team from Kyushu. 8th place of 2021 White Conference (the= lowest rank).

When the enterprise which becomes a mother’s body compares with Toyota, it’s small, so because there is no funding ability, can’t people be gathered? I thought so, but I don’t meet. A face is wonderful.

* James Moore (Japanese representative Rock)

* Kosei Ono (former Japanese representative 34cap, SO)

* LEMEKI (Japanese representative WTB)

* Waren Vosayako (No.8) and Dan Pryor (FL) were Sun Wolves (= Japanese representative upbringing team) Central players.

Though there is a player who becomes a stone so much, why is it the lowest rank? But achievement of a company descends for new-style Corona according to newspaper report, and the rugby club will be said to be degradation from next year. Does this influence? I’m sad.

* KINTETSU Liners:  2nd place of 2021 year Top Challenge League. Toyota Shuttles of about 1 discounted yesterday, so is the power also inferior a little here? Though it is not so.

Will Genia (Australia representative 110cap, SH)

* Quade Cooper (Australia representative 70cap, SO)

* Michael Stolberg (2020 Sunwolves, Rock)

*Semisi Masirewa (2018-2019 Sunwolves, FB)

This team is also wonderful. When it’s seen actually at a ground, it’s astonished, a lock of Liners is that both of 2 people are tall more than 200 cm. Line out will be invincible.

And 12:00Kick Off as scheduled.

A taking the initiative try is Sanixblues. Readily, they broke through defense. There is a lot of handling error in Liners, They’ll reverse immediately. But the try which was taken by the individual brilliance which are SH and SO rather than destroying partner formation and getting a try. The first half is the lead which is Liners in 17-14.

The difference in points rivaled, so the second half also had the hunch which seems rather fun.

And in tackle where Fakaosilea of No.8 of Liners is dangerous in second half starting Sincerely yours, blow exiting. Liners  One person has become little. This thought they seem able to overcome Sanixblues, SH Genia in Liners rolls Kick effective in the partner’s back many times here, and, Sanixblues, processing, while they were sluggish, the score was repeated. The self-destruction loss which can decide the attack Sanixblues has to do primarily reversely, and is Sanixblues.

He couldn’t get a try also, but an existence sense of Masirewa in FB put in Liners from the second half shone.

When he began to run with a ball, a cheer arose from a stand. It’s because an audience knows Masirewa rather than the run has the force different from other players clearly. If he had a ball, not to kick back if it’s kicked, Play Style in Masirewa is FB which does Counter attack.

Masirewa was seen and remembered, but it’s because he was the player who doesn’t kick back and does Counter Attack by all means when a opponent did Kick, that a player as James Dargaville is in Sunwolves in 2020 and makes an impression very much. Such player is a considerable minority by high modern rugby of defense power like present. (If the player who would like to be a Japanese representative is doing this, it would never be chosen.)

But it’s thought that such very offensive player appears from the audience side, and it’s fascinating and is no use. When I say the player who showed Counter Attack surprised in the past.

  1. John Kirwan (NZ): Sean who accomplished running until a partner inn goal from the goal front shown in the start game of RWC in 1987 and tried, already, legend.
  2. Johna Romu (NZ): Try king of 1995 year RWC. The player who plans for a breakthrough by all means when he has a ball as WTB. I left with the intense impression no one can stop.

Additionally: A team is French champagne rugby in 1987. In today, Fiji national team. The consciousness connected away by all the members is a team carried without exception, so opposing team can’t kick carelessly. The Argentine representative when one more being inferior. The strong will I say can be felt to be never defeated in 1 to 1.

Jersey collection 26

Jersey of the world selection team (club) Barbarians. It’s new in YAFUOKU and it’s bought at 5900 yen. Though it was new, it was inexpensive, so it has been bought unconsciously. The small by which the size is international size. I don’t find out that the one as the size won’t be tried on by slyboots, this jersey was no problem.

RUGBY JERSEY~Japan Rugby Top League

(written by Azul/ April 11, 2021)

Saturday, April 10 JAPAN RUGBY TOP LEAGUE, The most finale.

(There are a lot of English areas readers of my blog overwhelmingly, so I offer my blog in English from this week.)

JAPAN RUGBY TOP LEAGUE the holding is also postponed for more than 1 month by influence of new-style Corona, and which has started, finally, the 7th clause (the most finale). The order is fixed with this week’s game, and tournament will begin from next week, and a winning team decides.

Today’s game meeting place is Komazawa Olympic park overall playground. The stadium where I have the history constructed in case of Tokyo Olympic Games (in 1964) last time. When old National Stadium is demolished, and I think remodel has been just, there is something filled with deep emotion.

Though it’s a stadium with such history, it’s for the first time that I come here. What kind of stadium is it?

The nearest station gets off by Komazawadaigaku station in 3 station from Tokyu Denentoshi line Shibuya station in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, and it’s arrival in about 10 minutes on foot.

A really wonderful park. Big wide maintenance is attentive. When there is such park near the home, I’m happy.

When I follow people’s flow to the stadium, I have arrived at a meeting place.

The first impression seen from the bottom “They’re some ordinary fields.”. But, when I go upstairs, an impression changes completely.

Though it was made in 1960 ‘s, (It’s impolite?) The near future-like building. It’s that a vast square is in front of the field to raise the style of the field also. When I said the stadium which juxtapose a square like this, a HANAZONO rugby playground in Higashiosaka-city was imagined.

I had arrived 1 hour ago of Kick Off, so stands around the meeting place could be visited.

It’s a rugby jersey department that I have caught attention first. A jersey of RWC 2019 was sold. But it’s expensive. Too expensive. The replica by which the cost is about 20,000 yen is 14,000 yen. If I just look, it’s fun, but I can’t hold my hand out.

Next the booth of this confrontation team was being seen. Tent of public relations of HINO Red Dolphins.

Balls with player’s autograph signature were being sold. It’s the democratic price compared with a jersey of the dead stock a short while ago. A ball was sold out after a game. Red Dolphins is a team in neighborhood of the home, so when there is no Corona, you do fan Thanksgiving Day in spring. Regrettable.

This is today’s Starting Member stuck in front of the tent of Red Dolphins.

Then I’ll enter a stadium.

Today’s my seat, “southern stand Line 1 of S, number 151”.

I run, 1 line. This is lucky. It was the day, and I noticed. Because if it’s line 1 to take a picture when I say whether it’s lucky, it’s close and why isn’t there an obstacle?

Today was the ideal watch weather at the sky in sky blue which comes off (In addition to that the land truck was also blue and.)

Now, easy introduction of the both teams which play a game today.


About 5 during 8 teams when 2 win belongs to White Conference by 4 losses (World Cup point 9) current as of the RICOH Black Rams:.

The uniform is black as the team name indicates. There is a lot of foreign player from New Zealand as a name of Rams indicates. All except for an anti-Panasonic competition loses in a discounted game by a narrow margin. It’s persevering team color, isn’t it?


About 7 during 8 teams when 1 win belongs to White Conference by 4 losses (A game of World Cup point is 7.) current as of the HINO Red Dolphins:. If it’s stable and is the game by which it rains, FW shows its character. When I say conversely, it’s lacking in the decisive power of the Backs.

About today’s game-.

The audience’s beginning of today was a confrontation between the lower rank teams of Conference, and 3000-about 4000. By the way, the biggest accommodation number of people of Komazawa athletic stadium is 20,010. The entering which is not completely satisfactory.

The game contents are near the order, Black Rams ruled a game mostly. It’s personal prejudice, but there are almost no cases that I judged a weak team from the team by which black Rugby Jersey is worn.

Of Black Rams where 4 tried the first half, it was a complete victory and was 24-0 and One Side Game mostly.

But 17-19 and Red Dolphins regained the second half. It was for a short while too late that the engine starts, wasn’t it? Because there is real ability which can be taken equally mostly for FW competition, I think there was a chance to win. The positive reaction person it’s in the team that it was unfortunate for Red Dolphins 1 week before, and who is new-style Corona, more than one, the thing which had to go out and replace a member (6 people?) much.

The last score: 41-19 (win of Black Rams)

** Postscript by the blogger **

The camera I got last week (CANON SX 420 IS) played an active part, but it was that I could sit down in line 1 of this time, and there was something I got personally by picture taking.

There was a professional cameraman in 1st line in the goal back fairly, and it was possible to see their photography.

A professional takes a decisive moment (scene of a try) from the goal back using a basic tripod and a super-telephoto lens, I take a picture while predicting the game contents.

When a player is approaching a goal, a basic superspeed ream is shot with a camera while chasing it. KASHAKASHA sound is noisy, isn’t it? The cameraman who was next to me while today’s my photography number was about 100, presumes, he was taking a picture of more than 500. This, because the tone of the cameraman’s machinery and materials is noisy, and the general audience couldn’t endure  when he loses at a full stadium, so professional cameramans come to the empty goal back, don’t they?

A superspeed ream struck my camera of an amateur, and there were no functions, so 1 1 shutter was pushed. Of course, a decisive moment coudn’t be taken.

I learn on the way, too, and, using the animation function of the camera, when editing, it was thought of to take a static image out from an animation.

(The moment this is a try.)

Next when it’s made super-zooming when taking such sports picture, when it isn’t fixed by a tripod, a picture is blurred, and how can’t it be done? If it’ll be 60 times-70 times because it’s so by 42 times of telephoto lens, it’s impossible by the way to have it by hand and take a picture, isn’t it?

If a line of seat can be reserved next time, I think a small tripod is taken. A professional when he try to take all machinery and materials a cameraman has, he have to carry by private car, it can’t be brought in. The considerable weight.

A result of the game is predicted, and the cameraman who enters in the stadium and is taking a picture by the goal back is taking a picture of that he noticed also, isn’t he?

A basic dominance team stands by in the goal back which is being attacked, predicts development and shoots a high-speed ream. If it was in case of today, he was standing by on the side Black Rams is attacking. It’ll be movement on the other side in the second half. They don’t know what happens to a game. If the budget is abundant, the company which employs a cameraman would also arrange a cameraman on the other side.

I’d like to take a better picture next time.

Jersey collection 25

The 1st time of 1987 Second jersey of a French representative uniform in the time of RWC. Dirt is conspicuous white jersey, but the preservation state is also good. There are almost no cases that this second jersey was judged from auctions. I bought it at 7980 yen by Mercari, inc. If it’s 1st JERSEY personally, Blanco is imagined, but if it’s 2nd, Philip Sera is remembered.

RUGBY JERSEY~Japan Rugby Top League

(written by Azul, April 4th, 2021)



**  NEC Green Rockets:0勝5敗(8チーム中8位) **

2/20 vs KOBELCO Steelers~38-47 ×

2/27 vs NTT DOCOMO Red Hurricanes~19-38 ×

3/6  vs YAMAHA Jubilo~31-59 ×

3/21  vs HINO Red Dolphins ~7-10 ×

3/14 vs Panasonic Wild Knights~5-62 ×

総評:現在、White Conferenceに所属する8チーム中の最下位。初戦で、王者KOBELCO Steelersに肉薄する戦いを見せて、明るい展望を抱かせたが、その後、僅差の試合もとりこぼして、現状を打開出来ていない。展開した時の攻撃には光るものがあるが、守備力が低い。しかし、セットプレーは安定しているので、打開の余地はあると思われる。過去、日本選手権優勝3回を誇る古豪である。

**  RICOH Black Rams:1勝4敗  **

2/20 vs Panasonic Wild Knights~14-55 ×

2/27 vs YAMAHA Jubilo~23-22 〇

3/6  NTT DOCOMO Red Hurricanes~17-22 ×

3/14  vs KOBELCO Steelers ~19-20 ×

3/27 vs CANON Eagles~28-31 ×

総評:現在、White Conferenceに所属する8チーム中の6位。1勝ながら僅差の負けが4つあり、勝ち点7を獲得している。戦歴で見てわかるように、上位チーム相手でも互角に食い下がってくる手ごわいチームではある。近年は、リーグでも下位に位置しているが、NECと同様日本選手権優勝経験(2回)があり、復活を期している。


Kick Off は13:00、会場は秩父宮ラグビー場ということで、前回よりも少し余裕をもって、開始70分前に千駄ヶ谷駅に到着しました。



ラーメンの上にある黄色いビールのような飲み物は、Jasmine Teaです(無料)。見てわかるように、背脂が浮いていて、かなりコッテリしています。

さて、エネルギー充填完了したので、秩父宮ラグビー場へ。昨日は、Red Conferenceの首位攻防戦SUNTORY Sangolias と KUBOTA Spears が行われてTV観戦しましたが、満員でした。さて、今日の試合はどうなるでしょう。

写真はメインスタンドですが、半分入ってないですね。こちらの試合は、6位 VS 8位ですから。それでも、ファンは3,000円から4,000円を自分で払って5,000人も来場しています。




しかし、RICOHは、きれいに展開していきますね。セットプレーの後の連続攻撃が流れるようにスムーズで、これは日ごろの練習の賜物でしょうか。後半の選手交代で気が付きましたが、これはスクラムハーフのToshiya Takahashi 選手の技量によるものですね。彼のProfile をかくにんすると、小学生からラグビーを始めて、國學院久我山高校 → 青山学院大学と進み、RICOHに入社して5年目ということです。ほんとに淀みないリズムを生み出し、美しい攻撃でした。

(中央で手を叩いているのが、Takahashi 選手。)


しかし後半になって、NECの選手がリコーのリズムに適応してきました。NECの場合、「攻撃は最大の防御」という言葉が、良く当てはまります。後半、10分から30分までは、NECの時間帯でした。本日のatackの核となっていたのが、CTBの12番Maritino Nemani 選手です。

RICOHの堅守をしばしば突破して、見せ場をつくってくれました。Profileをみると、Fiji 出身の選手です。やはり、走りが力強いですね。


しかしながら、終盤、NECが怒涛の突破を見せてくれたのですが、RICOHの10番Isaac Lucasや15番Matt McGahanらのturn overや、NECのミスキック等で、最後は、突き放されてしまいました。


ジャージ コレクション 24

本1987年の第1回 RWCの時代のフランス代表ユニフォーム(Serge Blancoの時代)。メルカリで、6,900円で入手。ところどころ毛羽立ち等あり、年季を感じますが、30年以上前のジャージなので、私は風格を感じます。前も言ったような気がいたしますが、日本だとvintageもののジャージは、評価は低いですが、海外のオークションサイトだと、10倍くらいします。同じものを日本で見つけたら、価格は(待てば)下がってきます。誰も、買わないので。

** 新兵器登場 **

これまで、iPhone SEを使いスタジアムで、写真をとってきましたが、選手の表情はわからないし、Close PictureをTVとかで写すのも嫌だし、iPhone SEのカメラの限界を感じていました。そして先週、写真のCanon Power Shot SX 420 ISを購入いたしました。光学ズームが42倍あり、なにより、選手の表情が撮れるようになったのが嬉しいです。あと、このカメラ重量が325gしかないです。下手なcompact camera より軽い。軽すぎる。今週の写真の一部をこのカメラで撮影しています。

RUGBY JERSEY~Japan Rugby Top League

(written by Azul/March 28, 2021)



** KUBOTA Spears:現在4勝無敗 **

2/20 vs MUNAKATA Sanix Blues~43-17 〇

2/27 vs TOSHIBA Brave Lupus~39-7 〇

3/6  vs NTTcom Shining Arks ~34-24 〇

3/14 vs HONDA Heat~38-7 〇


  • * MITSUBISHI Sagamihara Dynaboars 

1勝2敗1引き分け **

2/21 vs SUNTORY Sungolias~7-75 ×

2/27 vs MUNAKATA Sanix Blues~43-17 〇

3/6  vs TOSHIBA Brave Lupus~7-58 ×

3/14 vs NTTcom Shining Arks ~26-26 △

優勝候補のKUBOTA vs 挑戦者MITSUBISHI という組み合わせとなります。

で、本日のスタジアムは、KUBOTAのホームである江戸川区陸上競技場です。最寄駅は、地下鉄 東西線の西葛西駅。

東京駅(大手町 駅)から、7駅離れた西葛西駅。約20分。まあ、都心からは近いですね。そして、降りてみると、あれれ?




なんとか、Kick Off 前に、会場にたどり着きました。12:00だというのに、分厚い雨雲に覆われて、もう夜間照明がついています。

しかし、ここのチームのサポーターは偉い。悪天候が予想されていたのにも関わらず、前売りチケットは、Sold Out。私は、本日も自由席です。席が無いので、雨で濡れた芝生の上に座らなくてはなりません。晴れの日だったら、気持ちいいけど。



選手が近いんですよね。私の今日のカメラは、iPhone SEなので、大した望遠機能もないのですが、なぜ、近いんだろうと思って、スタジアムの最前列から覗き込んでみたら、


それでは、本日の試合ですが、KUBOTAの側に、顔と名前が一致する選手(=Big Name)が多いんです。

Malcolm Marx:南アフリカ代表

Peter Labuschagne:日本代表

Bernard Foley:オーストラリア代表

Ryan Crotty:NZ代表

Harumichi Tatekawa: 元日本代表

Gerhard Van Den Heever:元サンウルブズ

これ以外にも、沢山います。三菱で、これに匹敵するのは、Little、Hemopo、Colin Slade と数の上では、クボタが倍以上です。




(ちょっと、三菱VS 東芝のワンサイドゲームを思いだしました。)


後半になると、またあの人が魅せてくれました。Michael Little。もう一人、Colin Sladeも。

後半になって、雨も止み、展開ラグビーを堪能させてくれました。この悪天候でも、handling error が少なくて、次々につないでいきます。Sladeのハイパント対応の強さに何度も驚き、さらには、相手の穴となるところに絶妙のパントを転がして行きます。昨日のサントリーのBeauden Barrettもそうですが、NZのスタンドオフは、機械のように正確なプレーをしてきます。

でも、この日一番おどろいたのは、Little です。ボールをもらって、密集に入っていくと瞬間的にスピードを上げて、数人を振り切るのは、前回も見ました。そして、今日はあのMarxに一旦つかまりボールを取られた後に、すぐに腕力と卓越した身のこなしで取り返しました。南ア代表の怪力プレーヤーに力で勝ちました。


しかしながら、最終的には、クボタが、1トライ追加し32-17で勝利しました。今後の三菱に期待します。Nice Game。

ジャージ コレクション 23

本日の試合会場で、クボタのテントの人が配っていたサポーター用ベースボール シャツ。2,000円の自由席のチケットで入場したのにこんなのもらっちゃって良いのでしょうか?せめて、私のBlogで紹介させていただきます。


(Written by AZul March 14th, 2021)








今日の試合のスタンド席は、前売りの初日にたちまちSOLD OUT。ワールドカップの前は、ラグビー協会の招待券(実質1,000円以下)で観戦していたのに、今やスタンド席だと4,000円もします。さらに、オークションで価格が3倍以上に吊り上がる試合もあり、隔世の感があります(神戸製鋼やサントリーといった優勝候補のチームのチケット)。ラグビーがプロスポーツ興行として成立しつつあります。











彼は、SUPER RUGBYのサンウルブズに参加していた時は、最下位チームなのに、シーズンのベスト15に選出されています。


次回フランス ワールドカップの日本代表の主力CTBです。



ジャージコレクション 21

「5か国対抗ラグビー」記念ジャージ。現在は、6 NATIONS RUGBY ですが、80年代はイタリアを除くフランス、スコットランド、ウエールズ、アイルランド、イングランドの5か国で優勝を争っていました。その記念ジャージです。ヤフオクで、2,980円にて購入しました。


(Written by AZUL, March 9th, 2021)


NECグリーン ロケッツ


YAMAHA 発動機 ジュピロ

先週は、ラグビーのトップリーグのチケットが取れなかったので、試合を見に行くことができませんでした。今週は、何とかチケットを確保することができました。今回のカードは、「NECグリーンロケッツ vs YAMAHA発動機ジュビロ」です。

3月6日土曜日、会場は東京 秩父宮ラグビー場12:00 KICK OFF です。












10番スタンドオフのAlex Goode です。イングランド代表キャップ21を誇る名選手です。日本のトップリーグには、南半球の選手は以前から出場していましたが、英国のキャップホルダーが続々来日するようになると、ようやくトップリーグがヨーロッパでも認識された感があります。来年の新リーグ立ち上げが楽しみです。



ジャージ コレクション 20

フランス代表トラックジャケット。2015年ころに発売。発売当初は、上着だけなのに20,000円もして、購入を躊躇したのを覚えています。でも個人的にはメチャクチャかっこいいと思っていたので、そのうちと思っていたら、SOLD OUT。昨年、e-BAYで、6,000円プラス送料4,000円で入手。新古品。ADIDAS製品。

* おまけ *

先日、2023ラグビーワールドカップ フランス大会のスケジュールが発表されました。


① Stadium: Stade de France, Saint-Denis
29/9AustraliaEuropa Division 1stC
39/23South AfricaIrelandB
510/14B 1stA 2ndBest8
610/15A 1stB 2ndBest8
710/20C1 vs D2 WinnerB1 vs A2 WinnerSemi Final
810/21D1 vs C2 WinnerA1 vs B2 WinnerSemi Final
910/273rd place playoff 3rd place playoff
1010/28Final Final
② Stadium: Stade Geoffroy Guichard, Saint-Étienne
1September 9thItaliaAfrica Division 1stA
2September 17thAustraliaFijiC
3September 22ndArgentinaOceania Division 1stD
4October 1stAustraliaWorld Final Qualifying WinnerC
③ Stadium: Stade de Bordeaux, Bordeaux
1September 9thIrelandEuropa Division 1stB
2September 10thWalesFijiC
3September 16thOceania Dvision 1stAmerica Division 1stD
4September 17thSouth AfricaEuropa Division 2ndB
5September 30thFijiEuropa Division 1stC
④ Stadium: Stade Vélodrome, Marseille
1September 9thEnglandArgentinaD
2September 10thSouth AfricaScotlandB
3September 21stFranceAfrica Division 1stA
4October 1stSouth AfricaAsia-Pacific Division 1stB
5October 14thC 1stD 2ndBest 8
6October 15thD 1stC 2ndBest 8
⑤ Stadium: Stadium de Toulouse, Toulouse
1September 10thJapanAmerica Division 2ndD
2September 15thNew ZealandAfrica Division 1stA
3September 23rdEuropa Division 1stWorld Final Qualifying WinnerC
4September 28thJapanOceania Dvision 1stD
5October 8thFijiWorld Final Qualifying WinnerC
⑥ Stadium: Stade Pierre Mauroy, Lille
1September 14thFranceAmerica Division 1stA
2September 23rdEnglandAmerica Division 2ndD
3September 30thScotlandEuropa Division 2ndB
4October 7thEnglandOceania Dvision 1stD
5October 8thAsia-Pacific Division 1stEuropa Division 2ndB
⑦ Stadium:Stade de Nice, Nice 
1September 16thWalesWorld Final Qualifying WinnerC
2September 17thEnglandJapanD
3September 20thItaliaAmerica Division 1stA
4September 24thScotlandAsia-Pacific Division 1stB
⑧ Stadium: Stade de la Beaujoire, Nantes
1September 16thIrelandAsia-Pacific Division 1stB
2September 30thArgentinaAmerica Division 2ndD
3October 7thWalesEuropa Division 1stC
4October 8thJapanArgentinaD
⑨ Stadium: Parc OL, Lyon

1September 24thWalesAustraliaC
2September 27thAmerica Division 1stAfrica Division 1stA
3September 29thNew ZealandItaliaA
4October 5thNew ZealandAmerica Division 1stA
5October 6thFranceItaliaA


(2021/2/7 written by Azul)

次回、ラグビーワールドカップは2023年にフランスで開催されます。先日、2023 ラグビーワールドカップの組分け抽選が行われました。それによりますと、

グループA: (ニュージーランド、フランス、イタリア、アメリカ地区1位、アフリカ地区1位)

グループB: (南アフリカ、アイルランド、スコットランド、アジア・パシフィック地区1位、ヨーロッパ地区2位)

グループC: (ウェールズ、オーストラリア、フィジー、ヨーロッパ地区1位、世界最終予選勝者)

グループD: (イングランド、日本、アルゼンチン、オセアニア地区1位、アメリカ地区2位)

因みに開催都市は、マルセイユ、ボルドー、トゥールーズ、リヨン、リール・ヴィルヌーブ・ダスク、ニース、ナント、サンテティエンヌ です。



ジャージ コレクション18




これをみてもわかるように、日本のMr.ラグビー 平尾誠二選手のW杯ジャージでさえも、日本では10万円程度の値段しかつかないです。



若干、文字が薄くなっておりますが、Tony Underwoodと読み取れます。対戦相手の選手がサインしたものですね。

おお、Tony Underwood。もちろん私も知っています。1995年のRWCイングランド代表として、ラグビーワールドカップに出場しました。兄のRorry Underwood とともに、兄弟でイングランド代表チームのウイングとして活躍した快速選手です。

このサインを足掛かりに、このジャージがどの試合でおこなわれたのかを調べてみました。Tony Underwoodは、1992年から1998年までにイングランド代表として活躍しています。

このジャージに、ワールドカップのマークは刺繍されていませんので、ワールドカップ以外での対戦に絞られます。そして、最近私がよく利用する海外オークションサイト e-BAYにイングランド vs ルーマニアで検索をかけたら、プログラムが出てきました。



そして、対面のイングランドの14番(右ウイング)は、スタメンの表で確認すると、Tony Underwood。
